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i love to watch crows hop. hop! hophophop 🐦

nestlings love to hop. once they’ve got enough flight in them to follow the murder out of the nest, they’ll exuberantly hop and sprint everywhere they can. inevitably they fall over once or twice; it is very cute 🐦🐦🐦

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r/traa post, may contain sensitive content 

I’m calling myself out

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Temia boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content 

Thought some of the gals with height dysphoria would appreciate this

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I have glasses now!

Oh god I can see EVERYTHING

Sister loaned me her laptop, and her Windows runs like slag. Was tempted to drop a replacement drive in to just drop Linux on but... I don't have any m.2 SSDs, much less ones that small orz

self-conscious griping, incidental harm 

Tried to get myself together nice and early to visit the local LGBT resource center, but I carved my face up trying to shave and now I don't want to go out at all x.x

Stupid ehlers-danlos... can't do shit about my hair because my skin's so fragile. I hope it can put up with laser once I scrape together the money for that

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fedichive, all known IPs 

Just in case you didn't see the first post, the super racist techbro from friday is back and started poking at my relay in sketchy ways. A block is recommended

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I just suddenly thought about the utter trainwreck that is valvrave and now I remember why I don't watch anime anymore

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Have a sample meme from the 'birb' section of our menu. 

Menu: mcmeme-enterprises.neocities.o
To order: !order '1-4' 'folder from menu'

eg. !order 1 Animal Crossing
Please allow a few minutes for a response.

"You now have eight therapy rabbits for one hour." &D

(Currently not doing anything at all because I've yet to see any sign that the current machine learning algorithms are physically capable of producing conscious thought)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!