Wundervolle F-Art
@maunzikation Hii :) Danke, das werde ich mir mal anschauen.
@federicomena Maybe it's the navigation app and not Osm itself. I'm not sure … the problem is that OsmAnd routes cars through this street in my neighbourhood, which would be OK in DE but not in AT.
@federicomena Thanks for the hint. I can look that up, but will it have to be set for every single street manually or is there some mass import?
@federicomena It's not a certain street, but the whole classification of this type of streets. Wohnstraßen are classified as traffic calmed zones, which is right for Germany, but not for Austria. In AT, it is not allowed to drive through a Wohnstraße when you don't live there, so they should be classified as pedestrian areas.
@jomo Wtf indeed
@natanji @maunzikation Didn't know it until now, too – probably because it's not in F-Droid.
Also in binärer Logik machen mich Nicht-Frauen-Laptoptaschen zu nem Mann? Klingt als könnte das den üblichen Erwartungen entsprechen ^^
Ergebnisse von ein paar Wochen aktivem WLAN-Tracking (nur am Rad und im Auto und nur alle paar Tage mal an) ☺
(sollte auch zu Mozilla Location Services beigetragen haben)
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