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Sarcasm about being queer 

I'm really happy that I have chosen to be queer / trans / non-binary.

Anti-trans spam rcvd 

Received trans-hostile hate on Mastodon, explicitly mentioning my profile… is this some kind of test for a new AI bot army? Or do people have too much time?

Dear hostile spammers: I know that you hate me from the bottom of your heart. It's OK, 100 % mutual and we all know that this state will persist until we die (of course, each party lives to see the others die before them).

BUT: we all already know our positions, so what's the point of this spam? Making Mastodon unsafe?

It's funny to read through the old toots. I have already forgot all those Covid terms... "Schlumpfung"

Lupinen ❤️

  • veg. Schinken aus Lupinen (am besten in gebratenem Reis)
  • Lupinenkaffee (sehr guter Geschmack, wenn man mal koffeinfrei macht)
  • sehr schöne Pflanze

Humanity as a whole as well as its individual members are most importantly driven by hate (= the urge to protect "theirs" from the "others") and violence (= the means to act on those urges).

Love and care are given to "theirs" and are just the other side of the coin. You'll only receive it when you're counted as "theirs" in some context, and it may be refused in other contexts.

In the meantime I don't even say anymore that it's bad. That's how people are, and it won't change. ❤️

Feeling good today. Magnolia starting to bloom and smell. 🌸

ChatGPT generiert echt gute Gute-Nacht-Geschichten nach meiner Vorgabe.

Heute wieder optimistisch: der ganze KI-Müll wird der Menschheit den Rest geben. In letzter Konsequenz ist weder Text noch Bild oder Video mehr irgendetwas wert und einfach alles post-faktisch und sogar post-Meinung oder post-Propaganda.

Somit ist die "Grunderwartung, dass das meiste zumindest irgendeinen Sinn hat" außer Kraft gesetzt und letztlich weder Kommunikation noch Bildung mehr möglich.

uspol, Anti-Trans-Gesetze 

Holy shit! Die Anti-Trans-Gesetzgebung in den USA basiert komplett auf *einer* geheimen Gruppierung - die jetzt aufgeflogen ist!

Darin verschworen sich (republikanische) Abgeordnete mit der religiösen extremen Rechten, um die Existenz von trans Personen in den USA zu beenden.
In der Gruppe sind zudem auch Anti-Trans-Ärzt*innen und -Detransitioner. Alle spielen ihre spezifische Rolle. Wie das funktioniert hat und was wir daraus lernen können: ein Thread. 🧵

Today I have invented two words: "klimakonservativ" (bin ich) und "terraforming-critical" (still a bit clumsy)

The mate tea I just have tried also smells of Llamas / goats. (Or I'm biased.) 😍

Fun fact: these Amaranth seeds smell of Llamas 🦙 when they're watered ❤️

Looking for recommendation – which alternative social network or instance, if Fediverse, would you recommend for an open-source/commercial project that was previously on Twitter?

Ars flunderiensis = die Kunst, sich wie eine Flunder an die Zugwand zu pressen, um Leute vorbeizulassen

@rhonda Nextcloud Office [] oder OnlyOffice [] soviel ich weiß

Oder für simplere Sachen eben nen Talk machen und gemeinsam einfach eine .md öffnen und bearbeiten

Missing negative stars on Masto. I'm not a positive person (although I'd like to be one and perhaps would be one in a fictional universe with a fictional life).

Ich darf so und so nicht Blut spenden.... (für andere zu schlecht, aber für mich muss mein Blut reichen...)

Being at Ars Electronica with a friend finally inspired me to experiment with neuronal networks (I had and still have an aversion against AI, although I find machine learning technically interesting and there are certainly good applications). Perceptilabs is really cool.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!