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@joshua if you have something like a bedsheet or thin cloth, wrap them in that with two sheets of paper on either side of the paintings.

@ElfLord Yup, Mumbai. India is really vibrant but can put some foreigners off, I encourage people to go! Many things are inexpensive 1000 rupees is ~15 USD. So most things are pretty inexpensive. However Delhi has abysmal AQ, it's similar to smoking a pack and half of cigarettes every hour.

@ElfLord It's called "flash lunch" here, and usually is cheap and fast, but maybe not super healthy. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ but it's also India

whatsapp, internet outages 

So whatsapp was briefly down and a majority of india panicked. I was mildly annoyed because I can't post memes in the family group chat

Gay pride is about fighting for gay rights, gay wrath is about fighting to keep them.

re: American Yiddishkeit, similar experience? I think it's really sad that people will look down upon you for being Jewish (or anything similar). I was sternly discouraged from speaking Hinglish, only English (I grew up abroad). I saw it as colonialist

another hot programming take 

@KitRedgrave what makes me cringe is people who use Google translate for localization, when sometimes it results in *hilarious* mistakes.

I hope people who reclaim anti-LGBTQIAPN+ slurs have long and fulfilling futures ahead of them!

racism, microaggression, irony 

It really irritates me when white people think I'm tech support because I'm Indian. It's made even worse because I actually am

REALLY cursed 

@devnull I didn't listen to the CW and now I'm just upset and will be thinking about this for a few days now.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!