@quirk@computerfairi.es Is this trying to show the evolution that all things end up as ObjC++

@dam_bro @quirk mario is ultimately just objective c++ when you think about it

@quirk Ah, this must be that λ-cube I heard about in grad school.

@quirk honestly @stupidplusplus, this says a lot about our friendship but I wouldn’t know where to start in explaining why

Never understood the name Waluigi. He should be called Гuigi.

@quirk I hate this. I hate how true this is and that there is not a single hole in this bulletproof argument. Good #Mario meme

@asbestos_chan @quirk Princess Peach —> C#. Sugary sweet but surprisingly powerful when push comes to shove.

@quirk @catsalad
tfw when the post crosses your TL and you start to click and find out you already boosted it

@inthehands @catsalad yea, it's been making the rounds again the last couple of weeks

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