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I swear I'm not making this up, was about to add another virtual desktop – I have it set to a fixed size, considering changing that now – and I accidentally removed all of them, now I've got over 30 windows open on one desktop 😔

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@mavica_again a fractal virtual desktop window manager, now there's an idea 🤔

@hokaze that would be useful, I'm already making a program for renaming my virtual desktops

I guess how you organize your workspace just has to fit with how you work and how it makes sense to you

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I love having overlapping windows, I don't see what people see in tiling window managers, tbh

The number of virtual desktops I'm using is growing, and at this rate I'll soon have as many virtual desktops and some people have browser tabs, for now it's manageable, but it's growing exponentially, help

The fediverse? what, like a cross-over for government agencies?

I have a novel idea for a search engine, no-AI results, be able to blacklist domains (track how often its done), allow down-voting and up-voting results

And have a scripting language for complex searches and filtering

Google took away filter options on images over time, what if we try to add more?

I think long as we are not taking away features we are already doing pretty well

But need motto "Be evil as possible long as its still a worker's owned cooperative" somewhere in the founding docs

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!