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i don't like cars because cars shelter you from the rain

I think it's telling that stories portraying near-future tech dystopia have been getting set earlier as time goes on, not later.

As a kid all this stuff was set in 2070 or 2099. Now it's 2030, 2050.

The EU has fined itself $452 for violating the GDPR because one of its websites was hosted on Amazon’s AWS and used “Sign in with Facebook” which means an EU citizen’s IP address & browser information was sent to those companies in the United States.

That the GDPR implies the US is The Bad Place to host your servers is a little known quirk of the law.

til (some?) intel cpus will pretend that the system has overheated if you press the power button for 4 seconds

robotgirl coded

robotgirl with a JTAG port vs robotgirl with a SWD port

(they’re kissing)

intentionally causing a relationship to sink, call it scuttling

I did break into tears at one point during my first play session, phenomenally moving

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Me trying learning about polyamory in a date and finding out about metamours: "Wait, so in a polyamorous relationship your relationships aren't a transitive closure over all members?"

Her: "a transitive what?"

I fear programming has cooked my brain

TIL that in the UK the police encourage preventing crime by making places so miserable, nobody will want to go there in the first place.

The human eye doesn't move smoothly, but in short quick moves with pauses between them.

The reason is to prevent the CGA snow that would result if the VRAM was being accessed at the same time as the image is drawn

HUH. I don't think I've ever seen a site with a warning like this. That's well-considered and quite kind. (From

I love computing

I love to compute on the computer

I hate the companies that have made computing on the computer miserable as they try to squeeze us all through their product lifecycles

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Wow. Facebook is not just announcing that they're walking back moderation of hate speech, but gleefully giving explicit examples of particular forms of hate speech they now allow. 😲 🤬

Inside you there are two wolves. One is active, the other one is on hot standby and becomes active if the first one fails or is taken down for maintenance. Add more wolves as necessary for increased redundancy load balancing. A quorum badger can be added for environments with multiple active wolves.

I propose we replace semantic versioning with pride versioning

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!