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r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

Procrastinating your gender is something I relate to personally

upon the very stroke of midnight was visited by an opossum ambling along the fence, surely a good omen

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

Idea from a while ago, I’ve found myself with more precision sense then

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

So I watched Encanto recently

Good morning and merry christmas! In Sweden we celebrate christmas on christmas eve, on the 24:th of december, こんこん〜 🦊✨


Oh yes, the four genders *Communism intensifies*

not going to let me pay you? ok guess ill go visit some hackerman to give me a bootleg on a minidisc then

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trying to find a legal way to watch that new movie online in Canada like

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

Coming Out Alignment Chart

My bot wrote a poem

fucking Todd, He
fucking produced. the
fucking bad bitches
fucking signs being
fucking massive. like
fucking garbage bags
fucking bullshit. I
fucking dead, kid.

Good morning! Last work week of the year for me, soon it'll be over, こんこん〜 🦊✨

As I was writing that last toot it occurred to me that while they are a cool cosplay thing, I can't think of any characters who have metal claws like this but it would be cool for an original costume. Which made me realise I have never seen a 'cosplay' style tutorial or showcase focusing on a non-ip character which made me sad about nerds and consumerism again

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!