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So apparently these are for kitchen protection from knives but a) there's only four in a set, implying the target audience has already had a tragic incident with a knife, b) whenever I have cut myself with a knife it has not been on the parts covered by these guards and c) I feel like costuming and cosplay would be a much better group to market these too

Good morning! γ“γ‚“γ“γ‚“γ€œ 🦊✨

Good morning! γ“γ‚“γ“γ‚“γ€œ 🦊✨

Good morning! γ“γ‚“γ“γ‚“γ€œ 🦊✨


No words, just dollhouse computer case from Ryu Tech πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ’•βœ¨


Nothing gives me that Layer 1 energy like a can of fresh roasted RJ-45 connectors!

Good morning! Last two days I have been uncharacteristically productive, but alas, it didn't last, γ“γ‚“γ“γ‚“γ€œ 🦊✨

Good morning! γ“γ‚“γ“γ‚“γ€œ 🦊 ✨

are there any furry artists on here who do simple character scenes and could use the money? been looking to commission artists i haven't commissioned before

boosts very much appreciated :boost_ok:​

Accessibility tip #1:

Don't hyperlink the word "here".

Use descriptive language. If you are linking to your quirky introduction video, hyperlink that whole phrase. Imagine a screenreader skipping through to each hyperlink and just hearing, here, here, here, here.

Good morning! γ“γ‚“γ“γ‚“γ€œ 🦊✨

Good morning! γ“γ‚“γ“γ‚“γ€œ 🦊✨

The existence of mother in law implies the existence of mother in crime

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

I had a dream like this recently

πŸ₯œ applying to be a scab

🧠 making fake applications to jam up the system

🧠 🧠 🧠 taking the scab job to "accidentally" wreck an entire cereal train to give the union bargaining power

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being a scab is absolutely excusable on the condition that you're just there to fuck up all the heavy equipment

Good morning! γ“γ‚“γ“γ‚“γ€œ 🦊✨

Good evening! Forgot to post this in the morning, Yesterday I had my third appointment at the gender identity clinic talking to a nurse, I'm now through the first part of the gatekeeping^W evaluation process, now there's another 7 months of waiting ahead of me to talk to a psychologist, transhealthcare in Sweden sucks, γ“γ‚“γ“γ‚“γ€œ 🦊✨

Good morning! γ“γ‚“γ“γ‚“γ€œ 🦊✨

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!