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fossil fuels are a triple win for russia, they provide revenue, they are useful for politics and they melt away the arctic so being boxed in by nato around st petersburg isn't as big of a deal


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Are you veripink? Do you like klingklang? Would you like to be an underhusker?

Commissioned an IKEA ref sheet from the wonderful @moon

Currently reading Less is More by Jason Hickel, but Mr. Watterson said it best:

dude this movie is SEETHING with rage at state-sanctioned violence against trans people

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watching Monkey Man. damn i wish a transgender shaman would give *me* hallucinogenics to sharpen my trauma into a weapon of divine vengeance

I'm a chuckster! *hurls you into the abyss*

skyrim mod where you smooch the dragons instead of slaying them

a USB/BT keyboard can be reused! Clean it up and even keyboards that are 25 years old will work fine.

an RF wireless keyboard has inevitably lost the dongle and is now just taking up space in a landfill as they're no use to anyone.

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As someone who spends a surprising amount of time at ewaste/junk shops:

non-bluetooth wireless keyboards should be banned for environmental reasons.

I've been using the Chromium browser for certain websites, and that's about to end.

Google's greed-fueled moves -- this time to disable vital extensions that provide better privacy and security -- are unacceptable to me.

The stakes here are quite high. If Google succeeds what it's attempting to do -- forcing users to use only Google-approved privacy and security choices -- we're in trouble.

Firefox looks like the best way forward at this point.

The whole idea of putting the most significant bits first is a conspiracy brought forward by Big Endian.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!