C library functions are always like: "SYNOPSIS. This function converts foos into bars depending on the user locale. ARGUMENTS. src and dest pointers must be distinct; it is undefined behavior if they are not QPU-aligned. RETURN VALUE. Returns the number of foos converted. A zero value indicates failure, or that zero foos were converted. A negative value indicates that the final foo was only partially converted (function got tired). Check this global variable to find out why."
Is Google Training AI on YouTube Videos? by vlogbrothers
Olympic sports categorized:
YEET THING: handball, volleyball, football (soccer), discus, shotput, hammer throw, basketball, water polo, curling
NO YEETING: swimming, running, speed skating, boxing, wrestling, taekwondo, breakdancing, rowing
YEET SELF: ski jump, gymnastics, diving, figure skating, high jump, long jump, triple jump, hurdles, skateboarding, skiing (freestyle), snowboarding, trampoline
YEET FRIEND: artistic swimming, couples figure skating
YEETING NOT MANDATORY, BUT STRONGLY ENCOURAGED: rugby, rhythmic gymnastics, (American) flag football
AVOID YEETING AT ALL COSTS: sport climbing, weightlifting, surfing, ski mountaineering, cycling, canoeing, equestrian, sailing, bobsled, skeleton, luge, skiing (except freestyle), fencing, relay race
USE STICK TO YEET THING: hockey, baseball/softball, tennis, cricket, lacrosse, squash, table tennis, badminton, golf, shooting
YEET STICK: javelin
STICK YEETS YOU: pole vault
I should mention I stole the idea for this meme from this post:
twelve years ago, a painter by the name of anders ramsell painted 12,597 aquarelle paintings of blade runner, shot by shot, of the entire film edited down to ~35 minutes. it took two years of painstaking work, all done in his spare time after work each night.
the video circled around the web for a few years, and quietly disappeared from every single site it was hosted at.
a few months ago i spent a few hours digging for it, and finally found a copy of the original file.
i'm not sure how long it will last over at IA, so enjoy it while you can. it is a true achievement. 🙏
"This hidden Swedish design is very mindful" by Linus Boman
Trans woman, bisexual, someone's fiancée, forever a programmer, poly, and former total mess