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to anyone who proposed running social media platforms as government-owned utilities

hopefully it is now clear that that's a lot like running newspapers that way

if you're still imagining it could work, we don't really know what to tell you

If doubly linked lists are so good, why aren’t there triply linked lists..?

@schratze looking for scrollbars and only finding removal addons is like websearching your favorite bug and only getting exterminators

THE TRANS QUESTIONING PODCAST IS COMING BACK! starting with this jumbo sized episode zero, about my first two laser hair removal appointments and the psychological burden of living in unprecedented times.

now more than ever, trans voices need to be heard. this show is for us.


At work we have a Slack channel dedicated to saying “good morning”, and I thought it would be funny if I posted to it every weekday after I wake up… while on holiday in California, with an 8 hour time difference

Now I’m fully committed to the bit

Palestinian genocide 

Despite all the reasons for celebrations among our Palestinian, Muslim and anticolonial communities, we must not take our eyes off the ongoing continuation of the Palestinian genocide.

We must not take our eyes off the West Bank, off Jenin, off Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa.

i like when team rocket does a situationally-appropriate variation on their motto

‪jazz is so good there's not only a jazz 2 but a jazz 3 already‬

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Reminder that intolerance of intolerance is not a paradox. Tolerance is not an absolute ethical stance, it is a social contract. If someone chooses to not participate in the social contract of tolerance, they do not get to benefit from it.

Mastodon will never be the next big thing, and that’s why I’m on Mastodon.

OH: "we miss you a lot, just as much as the esp32 misses its wifi signal"

OH: "Germany is spiritually opposed to people having fun"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!