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‪a physical painting is such an incredibly beautiful object up close‬

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britain is captured by the fear of trans people in bathrooms because after fifteen years of austerity the idea of a society that builds facilities to accommodate all persons is no longer possible to imagine, and so everything is some horrible fight over scraps

If you're ever looking for a peer-reviewed, article-length piece to cite re: my arguments on why we need to center marginalized lived experiential knowledge in all technologies, but especially "AI," then my article “Disabling ‘AI:’ Biases and Values Embedded in ‘Artificial Intelligence’” is for you.

UPDATE: It's "La France" not "Le France". I wish to apologize for misgendering France

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A really startling number of the informational/advertisement stanchion screens at Charles De Gaulle are showing the Windows 10 login screen

That same desktop image of the cave. You know the one

Advice for life:
- be nice
- tip well
- stay on the good side of the twig witch
- gossip with owls under a blanket of stars
- become moss and become immortal

After some conversations with friends NOT on the fediverse I've arrived at calling it "independent social media."

This is better than "open source" or other titles, it better conveys the central difference.

new anime idea: protagonist IS the isekai truck conductor. every episode he gets a call for help from another universe and chooses a young teen to become their hero and runs em over, while evading the police afterwards

tired: “i make musical instruments”
inspired: “i work in the timbre industry”

what kids these days dont understand is that in the y2k era, companies would just imply that their products were drugs in a good way

if you're working on "parental controls" in any kind of capacity i hope you get long covid

What repeated #COVID19 infections are doing to us:

On the left is data from the UK showing the number of people economically inactive due to long-term sickness. It fell for two decades and has exploded to record levels since the pandemic.

On the right is the US civilian labor force with a disability. It stayed steady for two decades and has exploded to record levels since the pandemic.

Both are at their record highs, and both still trend up. We're done with COVID, but it's not done with us.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!