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@foone @lenno Computers are powerful enough, we need to evolve to aperiodic spreadsheets!

Has anyone made a spreadsheet with a different tiling yet?
Like the obvious one is hexagons.
Where's my hexagonal spreadsheet?

i wish this video got more of a below the line perspective, but of course the host explains why it doesn't. my stories come from 10-ish years ago and i don't work in the industry anymore so whatever. the churn on that show was unreal, it was notorious for chewing people up-- because it was the only regular production that took on inexperienced PAs, usually college students, most of whom never worked on a set again because it was such an awful experience

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my job involved chain-vicing light stands to a scissor lift that i had to take above the power lines & stand on the railings to adjust spot/flood, without a safety harness. i was asked to do this after a tornado warning and the whole thing damn near blew over. one time there was a driveby near the production and the crew put their foot down to stop production... so the producers just had PAs run camera and set up lights

and this was a long-running discovery channel show, by the way

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i was an electrician on a reality show in oklahoma for about 3 years and it was one of the most exploitative, dangerous productions i ever experienced. it also paid $500/day, making it the best paying gig in town. i regularly put my life at risk complying with unreasonable demands that i knew could get me killed, but if i protested i'd lose the job and probably get blacklisted. 14 hour days minimum, plus a 2 hour commute. the stories i could tell about that show, man

Cursed nsfw 

When I first heard of 23andMe I always assumed it was some kind of fetish dating site, like Grindr but for orgy people.

Anyone else notice this on Android?

I can turn off wifi completely, I can turn off auto-connect for a specific network, but I can't disconnect from a specific network anymore

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Just noticed that there's no way to disconnect from a wifi network on my phone anymore

Princess Peach got furrified >:3 Her species was voted in one of my streams and I worked on her for quite a few streams. I'm not completely happy with how she turned out, face is a lil wonky and such, but at least I got some painting experience :D

"Did you know this iconic ska silhouette is a trans woman and ska singer named Brigitte Bond? The English Beat were inspired to draw her from a photo of her dancing with Prince Buster and it ended up being the inspiration for the now iconic “Rude Girl” silhouette. We’ve always been around and we’ve always been creative icons 💜🏳️‍⚧️🤘🏻"
-Jenna Daugherty

#TransRightsAreHumanRights #lgbtq #trans #ska #brigittebond #englishbeat #rudegirl

The 20 year lag is quite something. It tells a story. That's some patience, before seeing the impact on the poluation at large!

"Smoking was a 20th-century problem. [..] it became steadily more common. By the 1960s, it was extremely widespread: on average, American adults [bought] more than 10 cigarettes every day."

#OurWorldInData #OWID #opendata #smoking #lungcancer

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!