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v. nice of Nature to make mammals so soft

only 24 hours!!!

until kitsune tails dances onto steam and itch and into your heart. wishlist our queer furry mario game or find out more at

#KitsuneTails #QueerGames #PixelArt #GameDev

shout out to the Polyphone soundfont (.sf2) editor, it's free and open-source, it runs natively on Linux, but more importantly the interface is lovely, very easy-to-use and well-thought-out. enjoying speedrunning making a soundfont for the first time with this

Finally read the Jon Blow "Braid sold like shit" article and

they really pinned the hopes of their entire company on that? On an HD remake of a game already released in the steam era?

Like the hopes of a large studio with employees?


@glassbottommeg I mean, I think it's also worth pointing out just how little jonathan blow understands what people want

he made the witness because he thought that the problem with myst was that the puzzles were too integrated in the environment and didn't feel like puzzles. he categorically misunderstood why myst is a good game. but people liked the puzzle design.

he's basically made so much off the witness he could last for 8 years, then panicked and had to release a game. he was so focused on his pet programming language project he didn't think about what do actually make

he decided to lean into the least appreciated part of the witness, the pretentious lore, when making the braid sequel. also, he has shit, right-wing views. of course it sold badly

the loops that form are very fragile. an open string will eventually break into little Ls. I need a cost function that discourages them from forming


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instead of writing rules directly, I now have a cost function (energy) and saying a cell can move somewhere if the total energy (in a local region - up to 2 cells away) does not increase. this is fun because it can create some unexpected behaviour.

here the energy is defined as abs(2-num_neighbours), so having two neighbours is optimal. but they can join into pairs and still move around. the little L-shaped things are technically loops as all the cells have two neighbours, but I want bigger loops.

#cellularautomata #alife #creativecoding

*Me pointing at two automated drones doing maintenance on each other*

"This too is Yuri"

New firefox thing to disable

go to about:config
search for and and set both to false

getting apackage today from Trans Mission. I hope it's just as good as the gay agenda

Serious question to people born on 1970-01-01: Did you ever encounter weird IT related issues due to your dob?

Sharing encouraged, because I'm genuinely curious

i have juiced the titlescreen. pray i do not juice it further

project 2025 

you cannot overestimate the sheer amount of carcinogenic hatred that is distilled into project 2025.

as a document it is flatly terrifying.

as a set of goals it's a heinous amalgam of bigoted christo-fascistic eugenicist nonsense meant solely to further empower the people already holding more power than anyone rightfully should over others.

and it was written by people.

not gods or devils. people.

it not only can be stopped, it must be stopped.

click the meow button. you know you want to

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!