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i think it would be funny if, should i eventually learn guitar, i only play it through a hexaphonic pickup into a midi converter.

I'm a bit annoyed that non-"smart" gadgets get often called "stupid" or (worse) "dumb"
Can we start using "simple" instead?
I don't have a smart thermostat / fridge / washing machine, I have a simple one!

‪i am sure the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but a side effect of github's awful handling of all this is to promote lock-in to the platform. if the git commit history only makes sense when viewed on github dot com, it makes switching away from it less practical… ‬

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‪- github just assumes your display name on your github profile should be attached to commits and gives you no option to change this‬
‪- github just assumes that that your primary login/password reset email address should go in git history and you can't completely disable this‬

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‪- the fact it hides git committer and author names and emails everywhere means people do not notice when they are wrong or inconsistent, whether that's because of git or github dot com configuration‬
‪- you cannot fully control what email it attaches to commits attributed to you 🙃‬

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if the purpose of a system is what it does then the purpose of github dot com is to make git commit history useless

I just found my old periodic table shoes after being missing for about ten years and the disappointed look on my husband's face implies he's the one who hid them.

While we're on the subject of nerdy accessories, I also have a TV test pattern scarf.

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by the way if you are in the and you need your or repaired i am a highly skilled technician that cannot be legaly employed in the uk so send me a donation of a ammount and ship your computer to the southwest devon and i will repair it for you i have clients who can vouch for me thank you. i have an oscilloscope and everything, which is more than some thousand-follower retro tech youtubers can say. :boost_ok:

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So, I think if I ever make any software myself and open-source it I won't be putting it up on GitHub or similar platform, I think I'll publish it as a compressed archive on my website, lest I imply some kind of commitment to future development

we had this discussion already

the entire Steam forum was full of threads about how bad the state of demo visibility was and how annoying it was that developers were trying to get around that by releasing fake games

the reason demos show up in the new and trending list is that this would not be a solution to the problem people had if they didn't

just like how if games were automatically penalized for having generative AI in them, game developers would be incentivized to lie about whether the game had generative AI in it

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If you're an EU citizen and you hate DRM and planned obsolescence, here's an easy petition for you to sign:

TL;DR: If online-only DRM servers shut down, publishers would be required to keep your game working regardless.

Only targets video games because that is where this practice is by far the most prevalent today, but it would set a precedent that we might soon need for things like phones, cars, and all the other things that are increasingly getting CPUs shoved inside them.

1 year to reach 1 million signatures.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!