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When I was 19, I impulse-bought Tuttle Learning Chinese Characters. It proceeded to languish on my shelf until I was 34 and suddenly decided to get serious about Chinese. I am now 36 and as of this morning know all 800 characters taught by this book and about 400 more besides. The final character is "win".

This would solve no problems and make a significant number of things worse

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Interlaced C source files:
Instead of 80 column lines, each line is only 40 characters and contains every other letter. The next line is also 40 letters and contains the other letters.

the assumption sometimes that binary trans folks would have just preferred to have been born cis i think misses out on something rather crucial in the trans experience

and i don't mean the obvious take that the issue is really how society treats trans folks not being trans

a core part of the trans experience is having gender so exposed and raw that you get to see how coercive and fucked it is. and that means you get the opportunity to try and refuse to pick up some of that baggage.

yes, folks will keep trying to saddle you with it, but you know it's there.

if i had been born cis, it would have been bundled in so early that the process of unpacking it would not only be harder - much of it would be literally impossible to see and i'd just have to accept others are explaining it to me accurately

Get Firefox dotcom.

Download, install, & run.

Menu -> Add-ons and themes -> Extensions -> Find more add-ons: "ublock origin" -> uBlock Origin by Raymond Hill -> Add to Firefox


Because now that Chrome has dethroned Internet Explorer, one dark lord has been replaced by another:

Is Firefox the best Web browser? No, far from it! But it's the *least* bad choice of browser that works with the modern excuses for websites you use.

I love slopes now?! The speed you can get in this game is incredible. And the song for this bit is so choice.

Kitsune Tails is OUT NOW!! Run, jump, and dash across a land inspired by Japanese mythology and untangle the love triangle between three young women on a journey of self discovery. Explore the complicated relationships between kitsune and humans through classic platforming action.

get it now on steam or itch

we're a small underfunded team with a majority queer developers, and while we're punching way above our weight class we need the support of our community if this game is going to be a success. please boost this post, and if you can afford it buy it on steam and leave a positive review on the first day (the text doesn't matter, only the thumbs up, so "i like gay fops" is totally valid as a review)

i also want to prove fedi is powerful enough to make an indie game succeed, so even if you're not personally that into the game, please boost this post? 🙏

#KitsuneTails #QueerGames #GameDev #PixelArt

PSA: the default AAC encoder in ffmpeg is terrible even at very high bitrates, you are literally better off telling it to use MP3, even at a similar bitrate (e.g. -acodec mp3 -b:a 256k)


  • can display servers as card in overview (maybe even commission custom set)
  • sounds cool


  • how to pick?
  • hello yes please connect to the tower, there will be no repercussions to this action
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thinking of changing my server naming scheme to major arcana (it's currently anime girls, and not v good)

Cloudflare is the only company that has ever given literal nazis my mother's phone number, so my opinion of them is slightly worse than my opinion of hot garbage.

‪btw… if you want to experience a very accurate version of the heights that dream had reached by the end of the 1990's, Roland's “Sound Canvas VA” plugin is $69 for a lifetime license and will be discontinued on September 1st. just saying.‬

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‪but now there is a thing you can (fairly) easily download which, effectively, puts a perfect replication of the original and most legendary General MIDI hardware synth from 1991 right onto your computer. a new chance to experience what it was meant to be. and maybe appreciate it.‬

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‪if you care about the General MIDI era and that type of synth like i do, it's very depressing to read about it online. misconceptions abound everywhere. especially for people coming at it from a software perspective, living in a software age, most people won't “get it” i think.‬

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i'm really glad that nukeykt made Nuked SC-55, a fully accurate software emulation of the Roland SC-55. the SC-55 is a very important device: it's the original General MIDI and GS synth, used for e.g. DOOM's OST. but most people know it only through bad imitation soundfonts

even the humble SC-55 from 1991 could do a lot more than your average soundfont player. it has many extensions to General MIDI: a song's MIDI data can adjust the parameters of the reverb and chorus effects blocks, remap MIDI controllers, route LFOs, edit envelopes, etc.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!