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US Politics 

Someone posted a quote from Samuel L. Jackson and I made a throw-away response.
He turned it into a meme.

Good morning! You are nice!

Stop normalizing github for everything.

There is no such thing as a peaceful far right protest.


This happened yesterday and i found it hilarious so i had to draw this lmao

you ever think about how video game cartridges aren't strictly ROMs any more. flash is cheaper than mask ROMs and has been for a long time. those carts are gonna die someday

Data loss in flash based game "ROMs" is an actual problem that's being addressed by weird community hacks...

tfw, you're working on a creative project and trying a lot of things and nothing is quite working so it feels like you're getting nowhere but you are actually making progress on figuring out what you want, you just have nothing to show for it yet

From the archives: a brief history of the practice of "sex verification" from antiquity to the present

this entire scene made me think of you fedi train nerds :neocat_3c: 🚋

so-called “free thinkers” when it's the end of the line and the subway car doors open:

So, 86box has gotten General Modem Emulation in 4.2, and you can absolutely dial up with SLIP to access the internet over SLiRP, and it absolutely works.

Dialog Boxes you have not seen in Quite Some Time, volume 5.

#RetroComputing #86box #emulation #windows98 #OldComputers

*picks the yarn color called "Jeans"* yes excuse me I just need to go put on my jnitted jweater

Released a little Game Boy Advance rom for #gbajam that you can play on an emulator or real hardware. It's a simple 'single screen arcade platformer' in the vein of Bubble Bobble and Rodland. Mostly made using a raspberry pi 😊



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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!