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Me writing React: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!!

hi everyone! as some of you may know, i've had an old and relatively obscure MIDI module called the "Roland SC-7" for almost a year now, and i absolutely love it. so i was kinda sad that most of the sound demos of it on YouTube were so uninspiring…

so here's 40 minutes of songs that i think make it shine, so more people can understand why i'm obsessed with it. hope you enjoy!

my great creative endeavour is to master composing jazz and trance and everything in between, and to discover every last trick to get the most out of this thing, and finally write the song the SC-7 truly deserves. that will take a long time. in the meantime, i can curate :)

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If your tool depends on a backend service and sometimes that service returns a 503 error, just, please, retry. add backoff, add jitter, retry. Do not make it my problem. I am just going to push the button again anyway, so you are going to have to handle the request anyway. if you retry for me you can choose when that retry happens and you can avoid the part where I get really annoyed

local public library is temporarily closed because a protected bat colony was found in the building. unexpected consequence: my toddler now thinks “full of bats” is a common reason not to go somewhere, and has variously claimed his bed, bath, grandparents’ house, etc, are full of bats

the reason you can't make a better vacuum cleaner is that they have to suck by design

Masks keep you safe.

Vaccines work.

Never Again means Never Again, no matter who does it.

Global Warming is real.

Billionaires are an existential threat to society.

smash mouth levels are 100% and rising

(100%) ■■■■■■■■■■

yoooo i finally found an Android camera app with no UI, which happens to be what i need to use my phone as a camera for live-streaming with scrcpy (my phone doesn't have a new enough Android version to use the direct camera mode)

Apple. Apple please. You can't use the same short flag for two different things. Apple *please*

#Signal was warranted again, and as always they gave the only data they could give: time of registration in Unix miliseconds, and time of last connection in Unix miliseconds.

yet another reminder that you can't give away data you don't have in the first place.

Since I'm seeing a lot of "I have covid" posts, reminder that the WHO actually published a protocol for recovery after the illness to reduce the odds of Long Covid.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!