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"In the digital battlefield, the greatest weapon is the ability to adapt faster than the enemy." - The Art of Cyber War

"Keep your friends' passwords close, and your enemies' passwords closer." - The Art of Cyber War

"Your enemy cares not that the maintainer of an Internet-connected server left 10 years ago." - Sun Tzu

Years ago, I created a bot that posted Sun Tzu quotes, if Sun Tzu had written about cyber war. When X closed up API access that bot broke, and it never was high on my list of priorities to bring here. Well, I just fixed that. May I introduce you to @SunTzuCyber, which posts hourly. The posts are set up as unlisted/quiet public, so they won't show up in timelines unless you follow it.

anyway, Discord is talking about the true hardest problem in computer science: reversing a string

Seriously, WTAF, NYT and WaPo.

Let me be clear: extreme heat kills. Do not try to tough out a heat wave. If your home or apt. is very hot, find a place with air conditioning.

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go into software, easiest field in the world, get paid to go on the computer

stop making cars bigger. why are you making them bigger. stop.

writer: "she quickly dragged a brush through her curly, thick hair"

me: she absolutely did not

the past is a foreign country and past historians are foreign correspondents

You will know for a fact that Varg Vikernes is a fucking poser because if he had an ounce of viking blood in his veins he would have named himself Ulf instead of Varg. But his sensitive ass could not handle being called Uffe and he went for the Marvel-tier alliteration instead.
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!