Feuerwerk in Norwegen voll überflüssig. Alle haben das gleiche Zeug. Laut, stinkig und langweilig. Ich wünschte, es gäbe schickes professionell und zentral komponiertes Feuerwerk. 5 Minuten, wunderschön und fertig.
Statt dass jedesmal tagelang zehntausende Kinder und Erwachsene in Gefahr gesetzt werden für langweilige gleichförmige Verschwendung.
Oder halt Lichtshow.
Kids, illness details
The Great thing about having kids is that either one of them cn suddenly get sick indefinitely.
The small one has no appetite and what little goes in, comes out again in no time. Done with the fever, but. Can’t go to childcare for at least two more days.
I was sick a week before, so. Work will not have seen me for almost three weeks when this is done.
Might be Covid and being by myself I can’t self test him since he is so little. The doc didn’t test him Friday.
In case anyone runs into the same problem. This was directly tied to having a registeret phone number and 2FA enabled. When disabled it works.
Also it seems like Semiphemeral took care of almost all the tweets, just not at the same time. There were a number left, but they could be deleted within a few minutes manuelt, so it wasn’t a big number.
Ok, so Twitter question. I got a message my archive was ready to download on sunday. Didn’t see it before yesterday. Right after I downloaded my secondary accounts archive I tried main, but the button was fades and said «temorarily unavailable».
Any ideas for tools that I can use Semiphemeral or what its called only gets approx 3500 of the over 14000 tweets. I might have to set fire to everything without saving, but if there is any way to download/extract that would be preferable.
Queer, she/her, smc, geek, fiber nerd, demi, fat, white. Probably adhd/au.