Just found myself day dreaming about wearing the Sniperbot prop and remembering how nice it feels to wear it~ ❤️
It’s weighty but wow it fits like a glove and honestly I could see myself walking around with it on for a good number of hours!
I want to make a replica of it for a cosplay because this one has seen better days and doesn’t really look like it can be taken apart without damaging it. Thankfully all the internal parts are visible.
@pippin Yes!!! Soon!!! :D
@renbymon fuck yeah. :D
@PsyChuan I'm so happy!!!! I love Sniperbots so much, ahhhhH!!!! <333
@renbymon it's extremely cool and sniperbots are great. :D i'm happy for you!!
@PsyChuan Now I just need the rest of the suit! <3
@renbymon got eyes on any?
@PsyChuan If I ever find a screen used one I totally will be looking to get it, but most likely I'm gonna have to make my own!
@renbymon oh you good with that kind of crafting?
@PsyChuan ehhh so and so. I'm gonna have to find someone to 3d model the mask and arms for me and I'll do the clothing myself.
@renbymon Oh hell yeah! 💜 💜 💜
@Bowsette I'm SO happy!!! <3
@renbymon Oh wow, that's really cool! Congratulations on acquiring such a nice piece!
@renbymon oooooh!!!!!! Good acquisition! <3
@Jencen I'm SO HAPPY I swear!!!
@renbymon oh wow - awesome :)
@pippin I’m so so happy!! It feels wonderful to wear. ^^
@pippin Exactly! <3
@renbymon Good bot.
@darac Beep!
@renbymon How much?
@avon_deer how much in what way?
@renbymon Casssssh
@avon_deer it was kinda what I expected being a prop from a popular TV show; I got it for a few hundred.
@renbymon they're so good x.x
@renbymon Ooo, never seen the one with the white light before! 💜
@Bowsette I got it not long after the first episode with them, when the light was white!
IT'S ARRIVED!!! I am the very proud owner of my own screen-used Sniperbot rifle prop!! I'm SO happy!!! <3
I wish it was the full suit but I'm still over the moon at having one of the rifle props! <3