@trans_lykanthropie Oh!! I love the werewolf one!!! ^.^
@trans_lykanthropie I've been thinking about getting something similar for my room door
"Take heed; here be werewolves"
@trans_lykanthropie I don't think so? Please do show! :D
@trans_lykanthropie @renbymon Ooooo hell yea
@JigglyWyvern @renbymon right??? :D
@trans_lykanthropie Oh jeez I LOVE them!!! I wanna do tapestries too when I've redecorated; wanna tear down all the wallpaper and repaint the walls some kinda deep red. :3
@renbymon hell yessssssss werewolf pad :D
@trans_lykanthropie That's the plan!! Wanna come home from work to my werewolf pad and feel good being myself <3
@renbymon I fully support you in zhis quest awwwoooo :D
@trans_lykanthropie awoooooooo!!!! <33333
@renbymon Ooooohh yeah I love zhat! :D Do it!
Did I show you zhe werewolf tapestries I got for christmas? :3