@renbymon Me toooooo so much and it's very handy too
'Before you go in to see Ada, it's full moon so you've got to read zhis diagram first so you know what to expect'

@trans_lykanthropie I've been thinking about getting something similar for my room door

"Take heed; here be werewolves"

@renbymon Ooooohh yeah I love zhat! :D Do it!

Did I show you zhe werewolf tapestries I got for christmas? :3

@trans_lykanthropie Oh jeez I LOVE them!!! I wanna do tapestries too when I've redecorated; wanna tear down all the wallpaper and repaint the walls some kinda deep red. :3

@trans_lykanthropie That's the plan!! Wanna come home from work to my werewolf pad and feel good being myself <3

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!