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Decided on which patterns that I want to use for my Tali ! I've not yet decided on what type of fabric I want to use, but the pique fabric in the left photo is pretty good!

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Tali fabric swatches have arrived <3

Now to choose which prints and which fabrics!

Definitely want to get myself a new patrol cap, in either purple or black, but super happy for my QVP mask that I had to take a selfie while at work. 💛💜

I've always wondered what these plates are for. There's quite a few of them in Bradford city centre.

However I've just worked out, while writing this toot, that they point to Bradford's two central rail stations; Forster Square and the Interchange.

I don't recall seeing these anywhere else! Surely they do appear in other cities?

Brain has decided that I'm gonna fart about with a TNC this weekend, an AEA PK-232MBX. I've got two, had them for a while, but kept blanking on getting the tools to make it usable. I now have said tools to make up the required cables. :>

BLTouch sensor and dual gear extruder fitted! Also set up Debian on an old thin client to be the local access point for Octoprint, and maybe for other things too!

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Haven't got everything for the printer BUT I have fitted a string of LEDs to the top of the printer enclosure frame for some light inside it, and strapped a webcam to the top so I can keep an eye on prints using OctoPrint!

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The printer is now in it's new home but I'll need to fix the Extruder, and I want to fit the BLTouch bed sensor, before I do any printing

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Decided to part my hair over one side of my head and I think I look kinda cute????

cw: eye contact

AHHH did most of the sanding and it feels SMOOTH! Supergluing both halves together and once that's cured it's fibreglass resin time again and Then the final filling and sanding!!!

Decided to replace the epoxy bonds with fibreglass resin instead!

@Pipponprops suggested this as a stronger method of joining 3D prints. Thanks for the advice! :)

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OKAY two halves have finished gluing. I've put some epoxy on the joints for strength and tomorrow I'm gonna cover it in wood filler and sand it back to be smooth!

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End user: "Monitor has suddenly got vertical lines showing on it."
Me, taking photos as evidence: "Oh, I wonder how those got there~"

Hokay!!! Half glued! Superglue should have finished curing tomorrow and then I can fill in the joints with epoxy.

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Finally got myself a flight case for my mixer and CDJs. I'm going to have to make up some custom power and audio cables, but once done I will be able to just put one box in the car rather than multiple boxes!

CW for media: nsfw, domination, restraint

I do want to share this piece of wonderful gift art from Devlin (pictured as the victim).

Devlin surprised Epoxy, so got a nice thick coating of glue for his trouble! It's best to leave Epoxy alone when she's

Art by Vir-no-Vigoratus ( )

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Gluing pieces together using glue and once it's cured I'll go over the joins with some epoxy before starting on finishing!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!