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Additional fact, series 2 has shots showing the exterior of the building from the lift. Having looked at video of the lifts at the Lloyd's building I'm pretty sure that it's the lifts facing Leadenhall Market!

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Hello yes it's time for me to do sort of a "I thought too much about this" toot about my favourite game show from the 90s, Incredible Games.

The tower block shown in the titles for series 1 is Trellick Tower, in London. The photo for the titles was taken, IMO, from the Golborne Road Overbridge.

The titles for series 2, I realised today, uses the same photo BUT has been mixed with a photo of the Lloyd's Building (taken somewhere south of it, probably from atop another building).

And in the news, How Long It Would Take A Hacker To Brute Force Your Password In 2024, Ranked: :cch:

Huh, I don't think my passwords are doing too bad according to this! :cathumbsup:


@avon_deer @Cal Yeah, really your only options (until we start getting foss firmware for TVs) are to buy a used TV from a few years ago or to buy a monitor or projector.

if you want a small home server, don’t buy a raspberry pi and cry when the sd card gets corrupted yet again. buy a second-hand office computer.

dozens of these things go for <200 AUD every other month at my local auction house. they’re quiet, they’re fast, and they use less power than you’d think.

from left to right:
• jane — opnsense home router, intel 4th gen, 0 AUD
• tol — plex server with hardware encoding, intel 6th gen, 71 AUD
• smol — 3d printer server, intel 6th gen, 100 AUD

Disability Rights UK: "Despite having 7 years to do so, the UK Government has made no progress on improving the rights of Disabled people. Instead - our rights, access to support, and the provision of services have all deteriorated, with an increase in hostility and hate.
Under this Government, the UK has lost its status as a nation that leads in disability rights to one that is actively attacking Disabled people. [1/?]

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UN report released on the UK government's violations of its human rights obligations towards disabled people. this is a follow up to the recent UN inquiry that the UK government was summoned to give evidence at. report finds the UK has made *no progress at all* after prior investigation a few years ago that found "grave and systematic" violation of disabled people's human rights by UK.

[CW for article text: abuse of disabled people, benefits system, suicides mention]

"Like millions of #Israelis, I was also kept ignorant by the state and its educational system on purpose. However, once you unlearn #Zionist propaganda, there is no going back; the world makes so much more sense, and it feels similar to what I have heard of those who escaped a cult."

I should not be allowed unfettered access to communications equipment.

Presenting my next exhibition: The Lost Art of PC Game Installers Which Will Always Be Better Than That Generic Soulless Steam Install Button

Attended a union brown bag today.

About half of the questions were related to the employer asking people to work extra and then take it back as "flex time"

Which is something you can do, if you as the employee requests it! The employer cannot ask you to do that, and if you refuse they need to pay overtime!

If you're lucky enough to be part of a union, attend their meetings. You'll learn the most interesting things

re: Dysphoria, hair loss, MH(-) 

@dipolecat Not yet, but I think I might go see my GP about it.

Dysphoria, hair loss, MH(-) 

So the past couple of days, with the change in weather and heating/AC use in the office it’s made my hair go a bit blergh and I’m feeling pretty bad about the thin patch of hair on my crown and how it shows up in photos, etc. I kinda wanna get something shorter so I can style it easier and hide the balding but don’t want to go back to being more masc looking.

you've heard of rock 'em sock 'em robots, now get ready for 

squish 'em kiss 'em renamons


Oh hey it’s kind of a palindrome day! 24-4-24 in dd/mm/yy and also in yy/mm/dd!

I’m a vee speech absolutist: eevees should be able to go “vee!” whenever they want :eevee:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!