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PSA: you can just run the command "cal" in your terminal to get a properly formatted calendar. or "cal -y" for the entire year.

i recently found out that surprisingly few modern linux users seem to be aware of this, and instead keep digging around for a graphical calendar. it's an old unix command so it's typically available on even the most lightweight of systems (like alpine)

The Debian Publicity Team will no longer post on X/Twitter. We took this decision since we feel X doesn't reflect Debian shared values as stated in our social contract, code of conduct and diversity statement. X evolved into a place where people we care about don't feel safe. You are very much invited to follow us on , on , or any media as listed on #debian

@Laberpferd So my plan is to start on my personal one once I've finished building the workshop (that's why two years from now), and once I've got one in my portfolio and I know how much the costs are per suit in materials and my labour, and I know what the timescale is like, I'll start taking commissions.

A conservative timescale probably in 2028, maybe sooner! I'll start advertising around the time I'm ready. :)

Thinking about my dream job (making werewolf suits) and how I'm on track to be doing it in a couple of years 💜🐺🌕

“Nobody asked for NFTs or the fucking Metaverse. Nobody asked for lying chatbots instead of getting to reach an actual support person that could solve your problems.”

And:“…people are challenging the notion that we all have to do AI now. Because we don’t. It’s a choice. A choice that mostly benefits monopolists.”

@tante in

horny posting, just a thing for me but you can look too if you like 

RRRFUCK really horny for The Dark Knight right now.

Like I got hyperfocused a few days ago and I've spent them just focusing on really tiny details about the costume and it's made me very squirmy, haha

Like did you know that the visor is clear but outside viewrs can't see in due to how it's recessed, meaning the face inside is always in shadow. That REALLY pushes my buttons for some reason. >.>

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!