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A stupid thing I drew while trying to get Windows 95 working on my Virtual Machine.. #furry

I'm pretty serious about this being a returning and very strong thing for me, haha; Last night, as we were packing away all the gear from a video shoot, I looked up into the late evening sky and saw the moon shining. I felt so happy to see it again (I hadn't seen it for over a week due to weather and weird moon rise and set times) and I had to take a photo of it!

There's something magical about seeing the moon with your own eyes. πŸŒ•πŸΊ

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fitness, weight 

Weight week 3: 121.8kg

Slight weight increase over last week (although over a kilo gained from Friday morning) due to eating generally more unhealthy foods over the weekend, whilst doing a film shoot. This pretty much confirms that when I'm cooking for myself I make food that's a lot healthier.

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A few people asked if I have a list of providers, outside the United States.

YES, I have a list of Domain Registers, Web Hosting, Privacy Focused E-mail, Managed DNS, Public DNS, CDN, and VPN providers that I have confirmed as not based out of the USA or owned by a USA company.

I am interested in expanding this list, so if anyone has any suggestions, please speak up.

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@hukaulaba Funnily enough I just dug my copy out of storage too! It's a big tatty but everything's there, so let me know if you need any secondary scans. :)

We found a copy of Critter Costuming by Adam Riggs while helping a friend move! Copyright year is 2004. Friend says there are no archived scans of it available; we're going to get one done after all the chaos of his move is done.

#furry #fursuit

Every time I log into Fedi, I see another post with a guide called something like "Activist's Guide to Smartphones" or "Phone Security Guide for Protesters," and every single one of these assumes that the threat model is the kind of police force that exists under liberal democracy where legal protections will afford significant protections. The world is changing, and these guides not only fail to address the threat of an actively hostile fascistic anti-democratic occupying force (I refer here to the police), but such guides generally are limited to "what" and "how" but not miss the more critical "why."

If you believe that you are facing fascism (or even something close to it), can I please please please convince you to read something written by anarchists who have faced serious repression and are trying to convey just how much phones can lead to the imprisonment of you and your friends for even things that are allegedly "legal."

Heyy, if you ordered Xenia stickers from me and you are from USA, either this month or unrecieved from November batch.

Check your e-mail!

Hello world! This status has been posted from a phone booth, using Bell103 compatible softmodem, a lot of magic, and some wishful thinking.

hope this works

happy to see that it did work! here's a video of it in action:

this will *also* get a blogpost sometime in the near future. I'm still considering trying TCP/IP, but it would be ungodly slow at 300baud :p

(also, yes, I have revoked the token visible in the video)

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@fatedfox So my brain took this as me having to kneel down for the scritches, because big werewolf gal, and HECK that's been a big affirming thought ^^;

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!