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HRT, or as heyoitsbeio on bsky recently called it "Lycanthronol" (I love that name), is fucking magical; It helps me be myself and it's unlocked/connected parts of me that, for a long time, felt disparate and at odds!
I haven't ever felt this happy, well adjusted, centred, etc as I do now.

This is me pretty much saying that I see myself as a werewolf therian, which will be totally obvious to some but my brain is bad at making personal connections, lol ^^;

fitness, weight 

@garrwolfdog Thank you! It's kinda funny that I didn't think I could ever make this stick until I properly found myself being a werewolf gal ^.^

re: fitness, weight 

@limbic Thanks! Still got a long way to go, as I want to get down to around 75kg, but I'm feeling pretty good about myself :)

fitness, weight 

Weight week 4: 120kg

On the nose 120kg is kinda nice! The home made lunches are REALLY making a big impact, and unlike with sandwiches I'm actually going not getting bored of them so long as I change them up every week. I might try doing a sandwich on Friday though!

Last night I happened to glance down at my chest and it didn't look as big as I'd remembered, so pretty happy with the progress!

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Wow can't believe my script to find the pager cap code worked lol

A fun commission from @siplick where they redesigned your character so I had to give them my newly created kitsune.

I like the idea of the markings in the tails turning into magical flame when I'm using magic. <3

#FurryArt #Furry #Kitsune

@tryst I know it's a long trip but I really want to do that over a few days; drive down, take the tunnel, and drive into France a bit

@Auri Oh and they'll also do this for websites based outside of the UK too.

Like I get why they're doing it but the implementation is just REAL vague and heavy-handed

@Auri so static websites are fine, but if you run something like a forum or a social media website then you've got to do age verification otherwise they'll take you to court if they find stuff that the OSA covers on it, no matter how big your website is.

@Auri ofcom have decided that the Online Safety Act has to be enforced by individual websites but they have been super fucking vague about how they expect to do that.

They're also saying that ALL websites have to do it if they have any ability for users to communicate on them.

So most websites are just planning to geoblock the UK entirely and ofcom's response is "that is acceptable"

ofcom being ofcom it may be a good idea to look at getting access to a VPN that isn't based in the UK

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!