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@trans_lykanthropie I'm glad we don't live in that society because I LOVE being a werewolf and also being really out about it. >:3

since bird-killing wind turbines seem to be in the news again it's time to share this graph about the things that kills birds

Spolier alert - turbines are so far down this list that this new cycle is clearly not motivated by a love of birds.

#renewables #climate #windPower #birds #statistics

Video title: Disney's Best Illusion Explained
Contents: It's just Pepper's Ghost wizh added steps

Hey maybe let's ease up on giving massive corporations credit for zhings zhat are incredibly old and zhey didn't even invent ay?

Folks, four Command & Conquer games were just made legally open source by EA and deposited onto Github.

Blackout Crew's "Put A Donk On It" but it's about places where you get donkeys

🎵 Seaside? Put a donk on it!
Barnyard? Put a donk on it!

🐭I dont know why everyones talking about pokemon but I drew one of those last year

#art #furryart #furry

One of zhose Eyewitness books by Dorling Kindersley but about yinglets

Eyewitness: Yinglet

@mircoxi I had a feeling it was gonna end up this way, and with most modern browsers being built on Chromium or Gecko it's hard to know what to use as an alternative. :|

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!