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My mixes may be clean but are they exciting/interesting to people listening? My brain is wired differently enough that I don't understand how a lot of people react to things, so I do have to just guess and that's not easy for me to put into something I feel proud of.

The few times I've really made the club heave has been when playing what I consider to be bangers, so maybe I do have an understanding of what people like? Hello lack of confidence πŸ™ƒ (2/2)

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(cross posted from my bsky)

I love DJing but wow I second guess everything about myself and my ability. Thinking about submitting a demo for an event and when looking at the requirements part of my brain is like "is that a thing I can even do?"

I'm entirely self-taught and I don't really have anyone nearby that I can learn from or bounce ideas off, so it can feel that I'm not learning or getting better, other than minimising my mistakes. (1/2)

fitness, weight 

Had a couple of bad weeks but I'm starting to get back on top of everything! Down to 119.9kg today!

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Brain is being dumb today. Anxiety and stuff.

Always feel like this when I want to do something related to DJing and remember all the rejections I get without feedback other than "we had better candidates"

Thanks a bunch for not providing anything constructive πŸ™ƒ

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!