It's important to do exactly this to your drawings during your art process, to check for scale/anatomy inconsistencies

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The UK government must tighten up the definitions and exemptions in the Online Safety Act to avoid the loss of safe spaces online.

The Secretary of State has the power to change the categorisation of sites NOW.

⏰ Write to your MP to exempt small and harmless sites BEFORE 17 March ⬇️

#SaveOurSites 🌐

#netplurality #onlinesafetyact #onlinesafety #ukpolitics #ukpol

@limbic ahhh gosh thank you!!!

I really like it too except I'm balding on the crown of my head and it's REALLY apparent in photos :<

cw: eye contact in photos

Got a couple of 3D printed wolf muzzle masks because I couldn't decide on just one and I want one for when I'm DJing!

I'm thinking the first one is probably what I'm gonna go with, but I'm gonna clean then up and put straps on first. :3

I work in nuclear energy. When I want to say that something is fissile, I'll say that it's "spicy". If it's radioactive, without being fissile, I'll say that it's "fruity". If it's simultaneously fissile and radioactive, it's both spicy and fruity, so it's barbecue flavour?

Back to streaming this week! Today we'll be playing through Metroid for the NES!

Tonight at 8:00 PM ET #pngtuber #twitch #streaming #retro

@trans_lykanthropie Yeah! So tired though; feel like I could sleep for days *flops down next to and yawns toothily*

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!