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Getting around to digitising my Hardcore (Happy and UK) vinyl singles :3

since bird-killing wind turbines seem to be in the news again it's time to share this graph about the things that kills birds

Spolier alert - turbines are so far down this list that this new cycle is clearly not motivated by a love of birds.

#renewables #climate #windPower #birds #statistics

Video title: Disney's Best Illusion Explained
Contents: It's just Pepper's Ghost wizh added steps

Hey maybe let's ease up on giving massive corporations credit for zhings zhat are incredibly old and zhey didn't even invent ay?

Folks, four Command & Conquer games were just made legally open source by EA and deposited onto Github.

Blackout Crew's "Put A Donk On It" but it's about places where you get donkeys

🎵 Seaside? Put a donk on it!
Barnyard? Put a donk on it!

🐭I dont know why everyones talking about pokemon but I drew one of those last year

#art #furryart #furry

One of zhose Eyewitness books by Dorling Kindersley but about yinglets

Eyewitness: Yinglet

Ok, the prototype case is coming together, and doing what it should; highlighting the bits that need altering. This is gooood.
But there's the back of the machine I'm still undecided about. I'm planning to make a c9ver for it all, but I really kinda like the look of the fan of cards out the back XD

Concerned about Microsoft Windows 11 Recall? You should be.

Recall allows Microsoft’s Windows 11 Copilot+ devices to screenshot every action a person takes on their PC.

What can you do? Switching to Linux is the clear answer, but some don't know what distro to try. is a website that lets you run and test 60+ Linux distributions straight from your web browser.

Have fun!


#Linux #Computer #Windows #DOS #OPSEC #InfoSec #Privacy #Surveillance

Just a couple of points:

1) For clarification (because I wasn't as clear as I could have been ^^;) "Riva" is pronounced like "River"

2) Please do call me Riverclaw! 💜🐺🌕

(I'm not changing any usernames for continuity/discoverability, but I'd really prefer it if you do call me Riverclaw over Renby. Renby is a character I play and get art of, and Rivaclaw is who I am. 💜)

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Woo! My cyberdeck case design has hit 400 downloads!!!
Kind of an arbitary number but whatever, It's nice to see :D
makes me wonder how many of those have actually gone on to be printer or worked up in to a new design/build in some way. I know of a few, and a few more that have been inspired by my design. Which is so awesome!
It's been about 2 years since I posted the designs and I think the coolest thing to come from it is seeing it having had some influence in maker circles; It's now not uncommon to see the bike grip handle and picatini rails on cyberdecks. The other day, i even had someone mansplain the design to me with direct reference to my write-up; which, as a woman in technical arena, is a sign that your work at least is widely well regarded XD

Seriously, though, it really does bring me joy seeing people build and remix my design, and echo aspects of it in their own. It's nice to see I've put something good out there in the world :D

Shameless plug:

Just a couple of points:

1) For clarification (because I wasn't as clear as I could have been ^^;) "Riva" is pronounced like "River"

2) Please do call me Riverclaw! 💜🐺🌕

(I'm not changing any usernames for continuity/discoverability, but I'd really prefer it if you do call me Riverclaw over Renby. Renby is a character I play and get art of, and Rivaclaw is who I am. 💜)

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Hey everyone! I'm relaunching my Twitch channel!

I'll be playing retro games, wrestling games, and chill games and chatting as a PNGTuber.

This will ALSO be a debut of a new design for me! Wanna see my new look?

Stop by March 5th at 8PM EST (6th March 0100 UTC). See you there!

@davidgerard Yahoo Mail recently replaced email subjects with AI summaries. Caused total chaos at my startup which runs online sneaker launches. I got paged over the weekend when thousands of people were told they'd "won" a sneaker raffle connected to NBA All Start Weekend.

Awful to think how it could affect people getting emails about medical test , job applications, etc.

I wrote up the story of how we figured out what was happening here:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!