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Attended a union brown bag today.

About half of the questions were related to the employer asking people to work extra and then take it back as "flex time"

Which is something you can do, if you as the employee requests it! The employer cannot ask you to do that, and if you refuse they need to pay overtime!

If you're lucky enough to be part of a union, attend their meetings. You'll learn the most interesting things

Dysphoria, hair loss, MH(-) 

So the past couple of days, with the change in weather and heating/AC use in the office it’s made my hair go a bit blergh and I’m feeling pretty bad about the thin patch of hair on my crown and how it shows up in photos, etc. I kinda wanna get something shorter so I can style it easier and hide the balding but don’t want to go back to being more masc looking.

you've heard of rock 'em sock 'em robots, now get ready for 

squish 'em kiss 'em renamons


Oh hey it’s kind of a palindrome day! 24-4-24 in dd/mm/yy and also in yy/mm/dd!

I’m a vee speech absolutist: eevees should be able to go “vee!” whenever they want :eevee:

There's an alternate universe where Netscape Navigator embedded Lua instead of inventing js, and I'm not sure if that's a better world or not.

An EU-wide #RightToRepair has been adopted by the EU parliament with 584 votes in favour, 3 against and 14 abstentions. The directive now goes to the council and after it is officially published, member states have 24 months to implement it in national law.

And yes, smartphones are included. #ThanksEU

We're here
We're queer
Connection reset by peer

Just maybe...don't talk to the media at all, my #trans siblings, unless they're explicitly on our side. Most of them are NOT.

A new IOC-funded study shows that in general, trans athletes have no advantage over their cis competitors — and trans women scored *lower* than cis women on lung/aerobic measures and jump height.

The study concludes that "these results should caution against precautionary bans and sport eligibility exclusions".

Conservatives won't care, of course, but we can at least state that their objections have no factual basis.

#trans #transgender #sports

Dismantling myths about Universal Basic Income one fact at a time:

UBI isn't about giving money to do nothing. It's about money to do ANYTHING. This is in stark contrast to traditional welfare benefits that require people to keep their incomes sufficiently low to keep getting it.

Good morning to you and a very fuck the Tories.

In order to to be able to fuck the Tories you now need ID. If you don’t have ID, go here ASAP to be able to vote against them next week.

The source of the message and the name of the TERF journalist.


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A completely remade ponysona, as a treat: Creature Comforts from Whinnyapolis, now residing in Canterlot as an interior designer; "Creature" for short. God-queen and protegé included for scale

Been feeling pretty squirmy about Reaper (from Overwatch) in his Pumpkin skin and heck I really want to make a cosplay of this!!! >.>;;

I got a new toy at the charity shop. Two new ink ribbon cassettes included, no less.

It can keep up with me but @notshadowfever types considerably faster!


🪶 Meet Equinox: Fursuit Edition! 🪶

I am so excited to showcase this AMAZING partial (and 📸) of my coffee birb made by MiesdoCreations (on TG)!!!
It's her first time making a bird suit, and I think she did such a lovely job on him!
I can't wait to show him to friends and bring him to cons :D

For more information about this suit (as well as a little reveal video!) go here:

#Avian #Gryphon #Griffin #Fursuit #Furry

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!