Hey everyone! I'm relaunching my Twitch channel!

I'll be playing retro games, wrestling games, and chill games and chatting as a PNGTuber.

This will ALSO be a debut of a new design for me! Wanna see my new look?

Stop by twitch.tv/jouva March 5th at 8PM EST (6th March 0100 UTC). See you there!

@davidgerard Yahoo Mail recently replaced email subjects with AI summaries. Caused total chaos at my startup which runs online sneaker launches. I got paged over the weekend when thousands of people were told they'd "won" a sneaker raffle connected to NBA All Start Weekend.

Awful to think how it could affect people getting emails about medical test , job applications, etc.

I wrote up the story of how we figured out what was happening here: eql.com/media/sneaker-bot-ai-e

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!