okay. this is ridiculous.
Wanting to try out LibreOffice for work, instead of MS Office, but EVERY SINGLE TIME we try to install it, it defaults to trying to install to the DVD Drive, E: .
We try to tell it to change drive, it throws up an error saying "Not enough space on Drive E!" like, YEAH, IT'S A DVD DRIVE, WITH NO DISC IN IT, OF COURSE THERE ISN'T, LET ME CHANGE INSTALL DRIVE. but no, it immediately closes the installer as if I'd told it to cancel. which is bullshit.
@Nine Check these registry entries to see if they're messed up;
@salith We eventually got it working by ... disabling the DVD drive, then reassigning Drive E to the drive we wanted it installed on ._.; then changing it back after. haha. it works, but... libreoffice has some odd behaviours with certain fonts it seems