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Remember in Blues Brothers when they end up at the Nazi rally and the point isn't even that Jake really hates Nazis, it's that Nazis are about the biggest losers that anyone could imagine. They are portrayed as completely pathetic dead-ender assholes.

Or in the Rocketeer when the mobsters find our the Sinclair guy is a Nazi and join forces with the FBI to stop them because Nazis are clearly the worst thing.

Or when Christopher Plummer rips the Nazi flag in two in Sound of Music.

None of these films were making bold political statements. The Nazis were the bad guys because that was something that everyone in the audience could agree one. Dunking on Nazis was a guaranteed crowd pleaser.

When the hell did we stop agreeing on something so simple and self-evident as Nazis Are Fucking Losers?

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Guess what? It's our BIRTHDAY! We were born seven years ago today! Why not wish us a happy birthday by donating what you can so this year is our best year ever?

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Protogens but with low power consumption e-ink displays on their visors

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six billion devices use Java

don't let yours be six billion and one.

Not even once.

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I've sent this email to art directors I've worked with at Wizards of the Coast. I hope other Magic or D&D artists will do the same or similar.

#mtgart #dndart #MagicTheGathering

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My 6YO: I like how she dresses.
Me: How THEY dress. They're non binary, they prefer "they" instead of "she".
6YO What is non bi .. bina ...
ME: Non binary. It means they don't feel like a girl or a boy, they just feel like themselves. "Boy" or "girl" doesn't really fit for them.
6YO: Oh, ok!


Still having problems processing no longer have Narcissa around the house.
I walk around the house and automatically look to see if she's in certain spots she liked to be in, which brings it back front-and-centre.
That and it's too quiet. She's no longer here to meow for fussing, food, or what-not.

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Do you sometimes struggle to hear what's said on TV? We're running an experiment to find out how wide-spread problems with TV audio are. If you have half an hour, click here to take part:

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hey so, if you wanna be a boy you can just be one. dunno if you knew that

Had to put down our old cat today. Diabetes and old age.

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I've just made myself giggle. Instead of calling the current wave of prudishness "puriteens" we should call them the "tail-i-ban"

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Trolley problem:

A trolley is currently heading towards an unidentifiable person on the track.

On the other track is a conservative-


Found a very broken gun upgrade tree for .
Even bosses don't last longer than 15 seconds.
The first ED-209 even goes down in about 4 seconds.

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I wrote an article for folks struggling with what feels like an embarrassing secret. Maybe you feel like you have to keep this secret like I did, but today I'd like to tell you:

It's Okay to Want Boobs.

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CNN has to run all stories about Palestine and Israel past their Jerusalem bureau before it gets published lmao jesus fucking christ

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!