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A health insurance CEO was never going to suddenly have a Scrooge moment and decide to undo all the pain and suffering he'd caused, and he was going to continue collecting paychecks written in the blood of cancer patients and miscarriage victims and everyone who died of a preventable disease. His job was to cause people to suffer and die to save his company money, it wasn't an undeserved end for scum of his type

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I get that gun violence is an awful thing and people's first instincts are to say 'well even he didn't deserve to be shot' but I need to make it clear that even if Hitler hadn't killed himself and the soviet soldiers had found him alive and shot him, that would still have been just and good, sometimes the only way to remove evil people from positions of power where the entire system is designed to protect them, is with violence.

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Intel launched the Pentium processor in 1993. Unfortunately, dividing sometimes gave a slightly wrong answer, the famous FDIV bug. Replacing the faulty chips cost Intel $475 million. I reverse-engineered the circuitry and can explain the bug. 1/9

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so uh, if you have an AMD CPU and have annoying graphical stuttering issues that you can't get rid of:

turn off the fTPM in your firmware settings

unfortunately this is not a joke, this made my VR setup go from stuttery but tolerable to completely smooth

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My mother’s union just secured a 40% raise and 7 weeks parental leave for its workers after walking off the job (in an illegal strike no less).

Don’t let people tell you unions aren’t worth fighting for

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If anyone can throw me some money so I can get my fixed, it would be greatly appreciated.
I've created a fundraiser for it via .

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What a day. Car won't start. Probably either the battery or the starter motor from the error lights.

What a day. Car won't start. Probably either the battery or the starter motor from the error lights.

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I am begging non-lawyers to understand one thing:

If you have anything you really SHOULD tell the cops, your lawyer will arrange that conversation for you in a way that maximizes the benefit for you.


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a word of warning: the current spam wave (colorful qr codes) makes use of a url shortener that collects your IP address and a whole bunch of information from your browser. don't follow those qr codes, report and move on

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Kemi Badenoch, the new leader of the Consertive party, is a woman of colour.

But she's also:
— a climate change denialist
— denies institutional racism exists
— a militant transphobe who wants to strip transgender people of civil rights
— believes the British Empire was beneficial to its colonies
— opposes marriage equality

... She's the most right-wing leader the party's ever had.

(TLDR: She's the antithesis of Kamala Harris.)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!