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Servers are very similar to humans: time to time they are down and it is ok.

I know it is not acceptable but we temporarily fixed the bass by soldering the pickup directly on the jack. 😳

@beadsland yes, there are people who are paid for it but it is still awful.

Computer Fairies moderation 

@admin Hello, I am @smonff from the ACP moderators team. I have this @shr account on as an alternative, do you want me to leave?

I forgot an Apache update and the server went down for something like 20 minutes 🤔😅

"I can't believe it's not butter"
"It's a cat. Why would you even believe it was butter in the first place?"
"...marketers. They have bested me yet again!"

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!