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Talking to my parents is difficult because sometimes I wonder if it’s because I really want to talk to them or if it’s the child in me wants them to love me.

I’m a queer little pigeon with bread thoughts.

snowberry boosted

Poetry, for me, comes from pain, from longing, from the ache of not knowing but wanting to understanding, the space between coherent thought and an abundance of feeling. I don't think I can write solely happy poems because joy, while always a surprise, doesn't exist in discomfort, doesn't need to be described before it can be held and accepted.

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for my birthday this year I want everyone to take turns hitting me with their car

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Amy Coney Barrett Searches Bible for God’s Opinion of the Internet

“It doesn’t matter what we think about the Internet,” the Supreme Court Justice said. “What does God think about it?”

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📈 “Congress must urgently protect transition care” hit 10 signers!

Since a hospital decided to not bill my insurance I now have to deal with it. Having to merge multiple calls and getting jerked around. I’m so fucking tired. :abunhdcry:

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The Queen of stealth has done it yet again, practically managing to disappear in thin air, nowhere to be seen. :blobcatblink:

#CatsOfMastodon #cats #cat #pets #floof

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Because I moved and I would like to introduce myself and find moots, here is my intro!

Hi! I’m Snowberry. I’m a (specifically a ). Bread is where my thoughts should be. I am a , , . I have . I’m , & . Mostly shitpost my thoughts into the void and will retoot most things I come across. I have three cats and a loving partner. I love , , and .

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horny, girl, robot, body horror 

dick from a girl who dismantles you piece by piece, her cock still inside you as she works until you're nothing but a frame covered in writhing, ecstatic wires.

I’m just a little pigeon with my little pigeon thoughts. :bunhdgoogly:

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Humans have only ever existed on a tiny spec of dirt for a brief cosmic instant. Our inability to comprehend our place in the universe is driving us towards extinction.

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Hello there trans person. It is ROUGH out there for you right now! I'm really sorry about that. For what it's worth, I think you are amazing and my day is always better with you in it. I'd hug you, but this is social media. So remember next time you see me in person I TOTALLY have a hug for you. A good one too, none of that one-armed nonsense. Because you're awesome.

Now back to your regularly scheduled timeline...

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avian rambles 

I found out I was an avian through animal crossing. Idk Brewster just stole my heart. IDK. :blobkissblush: tbh I relate more to being a pigeon than my own body.

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snowberry boosted

@aquinton something something i wish a girl would handle my body like her favourite chew toy

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whaddya mean it's not normal to learn social cues, phrases, and other social junk from watching too much TV? 😆

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!