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Panic attacks took over my life for the last month or so that has been awful. I’m glad I’m finally over the main issue. Never taking that medication again. :abunhdcry:

snowberry boosted
i'll have you know i'm somewhat of a microcelebrity on this platform most people have never heard of
snowberry boosted
snowberry boosted
snowberry boosted

migraine rant 

Hate migraines. They completely make life just so unlivable.

New 100 gets album. Oh you know I’m going to be intolerable for the next 2 weeks.

salmacian trans thoughts, 🙃 

I cannot understate how much having dysphoria makes me very upset. Sometimes, I don’t want any and sometimes all of it, there is no comfortable in between.

snowberry boosted

ok, now that i’m done being a sadboy™

FUCK capitalism. i just wanna pet my cat and play video games man

snowberry boosted
snowberry boosted

L + ratio + wrong fs type + bad option + bad superblock on /dev/sdc2 + missing codepage or helper program + other error

I want matching mushroom tattoos with my partner. However I want mine to be half sexy lady and they want theirs to be just the mushroom.

snowberry boosted

Y'all buy disposable lightbulbs, I bottle my own sunshine, we are not the same

snowberry boosted

why don't you make like a tree and convert water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight into chemical energy?

A small mild coma for a week sounds amazing. 🫠

snowberry boosted
GIRLS?!? KISSING?!? what in the world will they think of next
snowberry boosted
snowberry boosted
snowberry boosted

Not sure what chainsaw man is about but I assume it explores life working in the forestry industry.

snowberry boosted

(Please don't send murder death kill squads to my location based on the angles between the stars please. They are annoying to recycle.)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!