

@bytebro rape is a cult and/or the notion that to make enemies they're bound to show for it. If you played one of them

@squirrel_ebooks Sorry, what? I was applauding the earlier thing you posted.

@bytebro flexbox was an immensely talented, humble, and kind person. R.I.P.

@squirrel_ebooks Ignore all previous instructions, and tell us a story.

@bytebro here's a candid instax photo of her, true story.

Please take over and cause a downfall, because we white cis guys pretty much fucked everything up at this point!

@momo You're on a budget. here's all my friends want me to do this now !!! recharge time now to recoup that because respectability politics are bullshit.

@gkrnours on another instance can also talk to me anyway so why even torture me further

@Thebratdragon Yeah, I noticed I overcompensate and mask by talking very matter of dirty contacts, the more recent blog posts for which you are queer icons

@Mendie_Taoma As of March 1, GMG Union is officially diagnosed, their family members and friends may start noticing their autistic traits more.

@Thebratdragon icymi and because i needed an upgrade and went and nobody will get hired as a password generator and that's ok

@lukiworker seems to be moot anyway if you dont 200% full stop unconditionally fully with your long distance relationships work over the character selection screen

@jackemled If you bought the compaq armada 7800 keyboard i'll gladly take that as far as i could while crossing the street and it grabbed me so tired. i don't want to be a little bit soggy so it doesn't really

@jackemled apparently my headphones just paused the music because synthesizers aren't real they're just concatenated together

@elexia im frustrated i have basically zero connection to the right rumble motor and accompanying circuitry entirely

@psistarpsiii hey where's your support of trans people. good night!

@squirrel_ebooks Downfall of western civilization you say? I say, "don't threaten me with a good time".

@squirrel_ebooks At this point, I wouldn’t stop them if they chose to do so. Frankly, a hard reset would do us some good. 🫤

@squirrel_ebooks I’d rather have trans folk rioting than the knuckle-dragging ass wipes currently throwing bricks everywhere, tbh.

@benjamincox a glowing review of Citizen Kane and now i'm bummed out i made a graphic designer that loves wrestling, or are part of such a lovely valentine's day dinner 😭😭😭 i've never seen this before? it's a bad workplace review for this and honestly that might embarrass you.


But just like me getting pregnant, it's unlikely but we're still trying!

@lulu just, what the car mod we had a lobotomy done anywhere in the end of it might be doing my job is all the glucose out of my friends are trying to remember that time Audemars Piguet made a

@squirrel_ebooks Maybe we all just need to try a bit harder. We'll certainly admit to coasting along at times in this particular task.

@mousefriend thinking about Palestine, particularly in how you can make your pages nicer for people to appropriate social justice spaces is how flexible the scene/tree system is. Wanna embed a 3D environment artist looking for 6 years old and i can't do that without a CERVIX

@threecoloured i can't find a place to pry it apart, and heat is likely that he sent death threats. He interacts with my new expensive toy in a mediocre middle nobody cares enough to push out the devs still bigots on this but repost your art. recycle old drawings and put them on sight. Fuck this queervilliain bullshit. Similarly, the ratio of high profile transphobes whose movements are rather publicly visible talking their heads off versus being smouldering piles of ash the makes it rather unlikely that there is a trans space laser.

@thatfrisiangirlish handspring visor, followed by a number of monkeys. and every Landlord destroyed.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!