@maffsie@queer.party did you import your follows list? @maffsie seems to be following only 3 accounts here
@candle mine has none :c
@maffsie that's how i'm running it c:
i mean things to do AFTER it's live
like how instances interact
it took a lot of asking around just to figure out how toots worked
@maffsie it's ok me too and there are no post-setup tutorials anywhere and some other admins are jerks about sharing mastodon trade secrets yet
@maffsie getting people on an instance to follow people from another instance is how they get linked together
i'm not asking you to be super active here i just thought you wanted to share a timeline with us
@maffsie you could come over and import your follow list c:
@colon_three yeah i saw it from your toot
@soft_chomps *soft hugs*
@Zeether animated gifs are static unless hovered in new mastodon versions
Also a pro-tip: if you have a lot of users to invite, you can iterate over an array like so:
accounts = [
email: "<email1>",
username: "<username1>"
email: "<email2>",
username: "<username2>"
accounts.each do |account|
User.new(email: account[:email], password: SecureRandom.hex, confirmed_at: Time.now.utc, account_attributes: { username: account[:username] }).save
Since I've gotten a couple questions about implementing an invite-only instance, here's how. You (unfortunately) have to use the console:
1. cd into your mastodon /live dir
2. bundle exec rails console production
3. run: User.new(email: '<email>', password: SecureRandom.hex, confirmed_at: Time.now.utc, account_attributes: { username: '<username>' }).save
4. Tell that person to reset their password on your instance :)
doing anything with my right hand feels weird with the exception of using a mouse #mastolefties
@polymerfairie welcome!
you could say
@modernmodron it's been ruined
admin of http://computerfairi.es/ || now over at @squirrel