@riking i just removed the custom.scss and it looks normal again
@riking i added in a custom.scss with a single directive for .column and this was the result https://computerfairi.es/media/Dn19avHdKgmuvFtnLYc
i mean yay for customizability i guess but it's also a lot of work?? and i could pull in from the defaults sure but like
there are several scss files, am i supposed to paste all them into the single custom.scss file to get the same behaviour?
@grime_witch me too me too
@grime_witch i feel like i've seen it before but i can't place it
"squirrel why are you putting your email conf straight into production.rb and not the .env.production file??", i hear you cry
because there is no setting on the .env.production file to enable ssl in actionmailer
basically we lost a hacked-in config for the mail (restorable) and this current scss i think?
things might break next time i restart computer fairies sorry
@boots so i need to fix a lot of that
@boots it's supposed to have more contrast, but mastodon's scss is dumb in which is gives you 3 variables but also randomly not uses those shades and does darken() and lighten() on a single shade instead
@boots do you like it?
@boots candy!!!
admin of http://computerfairi.es/ || now over at @squirrel