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@squirrelbutt @riking you gotta import 'application' inside it - it's in the docs

i mean yay for customizability i guess but it's also a lot of work?? and i could pull in from the defaults sure but like

there are several scss files, am i supposed to paste all them into the single custom.scss file to get the same behaviour?

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wait are you kidding me the custom.scss doesn't append to default

it replaces it entirely

it's a new css entirely from scratch

"squirrel why are you putting your email conf straight into production.rb and not the .env.production file??", i hear you cry

because there is no setting on the .env.production file to enable ssl in actionmailer

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basically we lost a hacked-in config for the mail (restorable) and this current scss i think?

things might break next time i restart computer fairies sorry

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yeah maybe instead of editing the base scss i should just append a new scss to it with the custom one

that's actually smarter and then i don't have to deal with how broken it is

i want to put rounded corners everywhere

but i also want to put box shadows everywhere

and they don't play along too well with how haphazard mastodon's html structure is...

do i have to tag music toots something for people to pay attention to them? lol i don't think i got a single notification from the 3 times i tried posting a song

we keep getting new accounts that never tweet which is worrying but maybe they just need some time

hi welcome quiet fairies !!!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!