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@tas As a computer engineering major this is a terrifyingly accurate statement :blobhyperthink:

@tas ayyyy how do computers work? Aren't they just rocks that we tricked into thinking?

I DON'T EXIST! I scream to myself as my actions have consequences in real time

literally if you are straight you should take a long hard look at your life

mild lewd 

me: i'm demisexual

literally anyone ever: hi you're cute

me: take me now, take me hard

LAE: wha?

me: we should get married on a thursday, nobody ever gets married on thursday

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mild lewd 

i think being told i'm cute might be an actual fetish of mine

The Q word - TERFism 

So you can see why they hate the word "queer", why they have been speaking out against its use while claiming to be part of the LGBT+ community. Because when we say "we're queer", we close ranks together, we accept to protect every one of our members equally, even if they are a different flavour of LGBT+ from us. "Queer" is a shield against these divisive tactics.

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If someone asks what gender I am I'm gonna kinda raise my hand, wiggle it side to side, and say "about medium rare"

aaand, if you're nonbinary, you should join my other Discord hangout, for enbies only!

hey, if yr gay, queer, trans, ace, or any other part of the community, you should join my Discord hangout. We love new friends!


ive come to expect the hairpulling though so i instinctively recoil when ari's hand goes near my head for any reason at this point.


apparently if i obey my owner i get headscritches instead of getting my hair pulled so that's nice. headscritches good.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!