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hey there, I'm Tasia, also known as Lysis. Born on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces nearly 27 years ago, I'm a pansexual nonbinary slime that uses "it/its" pronouns. I'm a stoner, a player and collector of games, a queer anarchist, a transsexual witch, and a lover.

I'm polyamorous and my primary partner is Ari (@ari). I practice witchcraft, divine fortunes from the tarot, and believe in magic. Proud co-parent of a cat named Burger.

I love meeting new people and making new friends, so msg me! :>

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hey, if yr gay, queer, trans, ace, or any other part of the community, you should join my Discord hangout. We love new friends!

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aaand, if you're nonbinary, you should join my other Discord hangout, for enbies only!

just reminded that Frodo Baggins is 50 years old at the time the Fellowship was formed at the Council of Elrond in Rivendell.


I identify as a gender-neutral restroom.

Growth is uncomfortable.

If we prioritize keeping people comfortable, we prevent growth

i need tips. how does one relax on the weekend???

Presented without comment or context, from the Scarlychel household

β€œI am two lesbians.” - @Scarly

enbies unite. and then let’s hug and make each other tea and talk about fishnet clothing items

Dystopia is a white people word that means β€œwhat if all that shit happened TO US?!?”

Boost this and I’ll assign you your very own animal side kick

(No bugs but yes reptiles)

a friend of mine is trying to escape a shitty situation and needs help! please give and/or share if you can :trans_heart:

LGBT stands for


need a word like succubus or incubus but for enbies

I need to add some more variety to my music collection :blobthinking:

anyone have recommendations?

(not overly concerned about genre, I have faves from bloody damn near everything)

Unnecessary straight people things 

I don’t get it.

mild lewd 

extremely horny for validation rn


it's 2019 and im still a crow. still loud, uncouth, wild and not particularly flashy or sophisticated. and probably the worse for wear at this point. but also clever af and not very easy to get rid of.

im flying high for the new year. i have plans and pretzels and im all outta pretzels.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!