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Wow, it's been so long since I logged in for the last time. I forgot my password even. I wonder if somebody remembers me still. Anyhow, glad to be back home. Tea didn't leave the building.

Dorotea boosted

La aplikaĵo de la Nova Reta Vortaro por Linukso ! (almenaŭ kio mi faris jam)

#GTK #Linux #Esperanto #NRV #NovaRetaVortaro

Well, Seymour, I made it, despite your directions.


Undergoing depression, nothing much to say.

Dorotea boosted

Things to do in the future: Dance to the beat of "He's a dream", sit on a chair and a pull a rope that drops a big bucket of ice water on me.

@noiob Prima, danke schön für den link, das sieht bilig aus :).

@noiob I just don't really trust aliexpress, I've never bought anything there so it scares the poop out of me :/. They sell those "Gamestar" adapters on ebay though. I think there are different versions with the same name. I just want to give my PS2 a new life and don't rely on the aged lenses :). Could you give me the aliexpress link though if you don't mind? :). To be honest, I'm not even sure if my SATA disk works though haha ^^U. I though the SATA adapters wouldn't fit in the bay.

@noiob Oh yeah, I've seen both :). I have a SATA disk that I can use. I just don't know which one to buy :/. I honestly don't know much about modding the PS2 and loading backups. Not even sure if I need network or not. I know some people load games over the network but I've read it's not that fast and they have problems with the FMVs. Also that some games don't run because the network functionality takes some memory. Do I need a hard drive to load games over the network though? :O.

Is buying an used hard drive a good idea? The PS2 only takes IDE and they seem hard to come by :/.

@softgoat If you ever make a map, you have to show me (Specially because I loved 2k4). Oh and you just reminded me that I wanted to toot about this

Dorotea boosted

Yesterday I was playing Overwatch, I was playing CTF, we were winning, 2-0 and I captured 2 flags before, I was capturing the third one when the game dced on me. I came up as quickly as possible and we still won the game. Then this person starts taking everything on me, jumping down my throat and I explain that my game dced and apologized, apologized thrice and I even sent a pm apologizing. They didn't reply. I'm playing now, my mouse wasn't moving and they got angry at me again :/. I Apologized

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!