@lizardsquid At least I could play OW properly and install a Linux distro for a change. It's well-nigh impossible to install linux on this mac mini.
Ben, es que il ha parlatores de Interlingua hic? Io ha demandate super le Esperantistas tamen Io volerea sequer Interlinguistas en Mastodon etiam! #Interlingua.
Va! Io sape que il ha Interlinguistas hic! Que nos parla insimul!
Espertantistoj, sekvu mian konton! #esperanto
Glidis volapükstudans! #volapük
@kwendenarmo @kittybecca@social.coop Yo ya no me acuerdo de la voz que tenía en el doblaje español. Me tendré que ver algún vídeo en Youtube :O
@Nightingalle Haha, there's nothing wrong with being narcissistic ;).
@Nightingalle As for me, I look quite the opposite today XD.
affection request
@lizardsquid *huuugs *! ♥️
@lizardsquid Thanks! :). Aye, it's been months actually.
@Gargron I hope everything goes well *hugs*
32 female (She/her) Computer geek, translator. You can also find me on: @tea_bonica@bitbang.social