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Kie estas la Esperantistoj en Mastodon? I don't think I did, I have to check it out, thanks! :).

I miss Gnome 2 :(. Is there a way to either keep using it or a modern wm that has the same look?

Dorotea boosted

I've finally found the bottle feeding game from my childhood I was talking about! It's called Brats! :O Made by some peep called Alber C. Ashton and apparently it costed 5$ and something!

PS: I think 5.83$ not sure, I just read it and I don't remember it XD.

bible games, shareware, windows 3x 

Oh... and apparently this too XD from the same game. This is what happens when you leave it 30 seconds alone, idle.

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bible games, shareware, windows 3x 

I'm trying a bunch of old shareware games and I've found this. Perhaps the poorest excuse for a video game?

@squirrel I miss the look and feel of the 90s when it comes to operating systems.

Ugggghhh, Windows 10 is forcing me to update :S. I want to update, don't get me wrong but whenever Windows 10 tries to update, it fails @_@. So much for Bootcamp.

Dorotea boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!